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Available today!! Patrick and Keith's latest book, Joyful Outsiders: what it means to live like Jesus in a disorienting culture.

Ministry, Discipleship, and Evangelism in the Digital Age
Page 9

Spiritual Formation

How to Avoid Misinformation and Disinformation Online

Patrick Miller|March 7th, 2022|5 min. read

Artificial Intelligence | Spiritual Formation

What Artificial Intelligence Means for Your Freedom and Your Faith

Patrick Miller|November 18th, 2021|6 min. read

Technology | Spiritual Formation

How to Prepare for the Metaverse

Ian Harber and Patrick Miller|November 2nd, 2021|6 min. read

Subvert the Internet Without Abandoning It

Learn how to retool the internet for Christian mission from digital practitioners, theologians, and creators.

The latest on faith and tech from leading Christian thinkers.