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Social Media
Ministry, Discipleship, and Evangelism in the Digital Age


Social Media | Spiritual Formation

TikTok: Now Serving Deconstruction

Ian Harber|September 4th, 2024|3 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Monk or Missionary: These are the only options now.

Ian Harber|July 24th, 2024|4 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Helping Reasonable Parents See the Unreasonableness of Teenage Social Media

Patrick Miller|July 19th, 2024|4 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Are Screens Ruining Schools?

Patrick Miller|July 2nd, 2024|5 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

The Rise and Fall of Commercials

Patrick Miller|June 17th, 2024|3 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

The Problem with Livestreams

Patrick Miller|June 5th, 2024|3 min. read

Social Media | Artificial Intelligence | Evangelism

What If AI Makes People Reconsider Christianity?

Ian Harber|May 30th, 2024|2 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Everyone Has Their Own Facts Now

Patrick Miller|May 22nd, 2024|3 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

You Can’t Outsmart Smartphones with Teenagers

Patrick Miller|May 8th, 2024|3 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

How To Resist Content Anxiety

Ian Harber|May 1st, 2024|5 min. read

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