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Social Media (4)
Ministry, Discipleship, and Evangelism in the Digital Age

Social Media | Data and Ministry

How We Grew Organic Traffic by 500%

Patrick Miller|December 13th, 2023|2 min. read

Social Media | Evangelism

The Ministry of Curation

Ian Harber|November 29th, 2023|3 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Why Not Just Delete Your Social Media?

Ian Harber|November 15th, 2023|3 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation | Content Creation

Please Stop Boosting Bad Takes On Social Media

Ian Harber|October 18th, 2023|4 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Find Wisdom to Live in a Digital Age

Patrick Miller|October 11th, 2023|4 min. read

Social Media | Evangelism | Spiritual Formation | Content Creation

Fleeing and Flourishing on the Internet

Patrick Miller|September 6th, 2023|5 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Social Media Is a Spiritual Distortion Zone

Ian Harber|August 11th, 2023|5 min. read

Social Media | Spiritual Formation | Creator

How to Gain an Audience and Lose Your Soul

Patrick Miller|December 12th, 2022|6 min. read

Social Media | Church | Strategy

4 social media shifts the church should know about

Ian Harber|December 7th, 2022|7 min. read

Deconstruction | Social Media | Spiritual Formation

Deconstructing in the Digital Age

Ian Harber|November 16th, 2022|6 min. read

Subvert the Internet Without Abandoning It

Learn how to retool the internet for Christian mission from digital practitioners, theologians, and creators.

The latest on faith and tech from leading Christian thinkers.